
Alphabet Adventures, Vol. 3: Dispatches from Monster Township

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $8.00.

My favorite places on Earth is Monster Township. I know it sounds spooky-scary, but the citizens of Monster Township are the friendliest bunch! There are oatmeal-eating Ogres, delightful Demons, rusty Robots, and zany Zombies. I’ve met whispering Wendigos, giddy Gremlins, glib Ghosts, and welcoming Werewolves. It’s teeming with pesky Roof Ponies, flying Fartbags, slimy Swamp Creatures, and unbelievable Unicorns. You could even meet twenty-tentacled Things, fur-covered Giants, and Inexplicable Beasts!

Except, maybe the Vile Varnak, that one is pretty dangerous, you should stay away when he visits. It happens every November. Seriously, steer clear.

I first encountered Monster Township while driving through New Jersey in search of this certain Ramen restaurant. We took a wrong turn somewhere, and then ended up lunching on knob noodles and lichee nuts. I began visiting more and more, and started keeping a log book of my visits. I’ve arranged some of the more interesting tidbits in Alphabetical order. I hope you enjoy learning about what I’ve experienced.

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